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Design a housewares product inspired by modernistic styling.


Henderson Hero Render
Folded Fabric
“How might we design an elegant free-standing clothes storage solution that allows users to access clothing articles individually?"
Mom and Daughter doing laundry
81% of consumers rank quality as the top factor in furniture purchases
Henderson Mind Map_edited.png
Working Couple Eating

“I would like a way to extend my closet without degrading the appearance of my bedroom.”

“The pants that I hang in my closet always fall off the hanger, and those that do stay on the hanger get creased at the knee!”

User Persona

Consumer: Family

Age: 15-80

​Income: $75,000

​Location: United States

Family Close up
Minimal Contemporary
Thought Max Design Modeling
First Paper Model
Final SolidWorks Model

An elegant freestanding cabinet with slide-out hangers. The hangers are wide enough to prevent creases, yet efficiently store clothing.

Henderson Showcase
Henderson Exploded View
Henderson Hanger


Hanger support

Cloth Covered Hanger

Henderson Room Context